Composition and skills of the Board of Directors
Skills that the Board of Directors should possess as a whole
In light of the recent revision of the group's Corporate Identity and the review and formulation of a new medium-term business plan that takes into account the direction for growth we will pursue over the long term, Mizuho Financial Group has clarified the areas in which the Board of Directors as a whole should possess specific skills in order to ensure speedy corporate management and appropriate supervisory functions toward realization of the plan. Specifically, the group has selected the eight skill areas of "Management," "Risk Management / Internal Control," "Financial Control / Accounting," "Finance," "Human Resources / Organization," "IT / Digital," "Sustainability," and "Global."
Basic approach to selection of skills
Main reasons for selecting each skill and approach to main experience and knowledge deemed necessary
Skill Matrix of the Board of Directors
The table below lists the particular core skill areas that each director possesses in relation to the skills that the Board of Directors as a whole should possess, and with which Mizuho Financial Group believes the Board of Directors as a whole has the necessary skills. We also believe that each committee is equipped with the necessary skills based on their respective roles, including securing the knowledge of outside committee members at the meetings of voluntary committees.
- Chairperson of the Board of Directors
- The following two outside experts serve on the committee:
Rintaro Tamaki (President, Japan Center for International Finance)
Hiroshi Naka (Professor, the University of Tokyo Institute for Future Initiatives)